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Prisoners in Tasmania stay connected

The Tasmanian Government wants everyone to stay connected through these difficult times, announced Elise Archer, Minister for Corrections.
The Tasmania Prison Service (TPS) has introduced a new initiative to help prisoners at the Risdon Correctional Facility maintain connections with their family and friends during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Email A Prisoner (EMAP) service enables family and friends to contact prisoners using email messages while personal visits are suspended due to COVID-19.
TPS staff have delivered this initiative as they understand how important it is for prisoners’ mental health and wellbeing, as well as their rehabilitation, to stay connected with their family.
Those friends and family wishing to send an email to a prisoner must register with the service provider at using the individual prisoner’s unique identification code.
Prisoners will be provided with printed copies of the email through the existing prison mail delivery process. 

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